I don't know if any of you remember, but last year I posted a post on the music I listen to, full of top ten lists for things like my favourite, most underrated, and other things. Well, I realised that after a year on, my music taste has slightly changed. If you're curious, here's last year's entry.
Last year a lot of it was hardcore and metal stuff. It was bands like Trivium, Alexisonfire and Billy Talent. There was a lot of Thrash, Death, Doom, Black and Heavy Metal in my playlist. Though they still are, a lot of other influences are coming in too. I'm currently a big fan of Jack Johnson, The Cat Empire and Josh Ritter. Oh, which reminds me, Jack Johnson's new album, 'Sleep Through The Static' is coming out soon. In a week, I think. Hint, hint.
I'm making up a new list of lists, just like last year's. It'll probably be posted some time this week.
Ska is definitely something I discovered in the UK. Bands like Capdown and The King Blues are amazing. I really do wanna see them live some time very soon. I've also started listening to some funk and jazz. I love The Cat Empire. They are so fuckin' good. And oh, I've also got further into hip hop, but it's (mostly) not mainstream hip hop. It's people like Plan B and Braintax that I listen to, not 50 Cent or Chamillionaire. I think Plan B's rap, accompanied with his acoustic guitar, it just sounds brilliant. And it's not thuggish hip hop. Most of it is dealing with real issues.
I'll stop talking about music. For now. And oh, by the way, I'm thinking of posting up a list of full albums that I've got, so people can request songs, and I can post them up for the music page for people to download. I think it's better that way.
Signing out
Over and out
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Pill Weekends

I had a really good weekend. Spent it with my pill. The trouble I got into for leaving early, the money I had to spend for the ticket, it was worth it :)
Talking about the trouble, it was shit. I had to be at the housemaster's private side at around 6.45am this morning. Oh, yes. The early hours. Usually it wouldn't be too bad, because we usually wake up around 7 anyway, but we were out the night before for Sam's birthday meal (which was a good laugh, by the way) and hung over on curry. Hahaha. And it ruined my first Tuesday double PR in the first two lessons. Oh, well. All for missing some lecture about some guy who climbed some mountain called Everest. And for a few extra hours with my pill. Well worth it.
It's a good thing half-term is next week. Oh, jeez. Hahaha.
I find things going really well at the moment. Or even if they went wrong, they can't keep my hopes down. I think it's a combination of oh-my-jeez-I-have-so-many-PRs, Arrr-be-a-pirate, and hi-there-pill.
Signing out
Over and out
written by
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Unfinished Similes With Unnamed Remedies
Today's been good. It's gooood.
I am done with C4 forever. I felt I've done enough in my exam this afternoon to make sure I don't need to squeeze every mark out of the Stats paper in June. It was a good paper. Well, when compared to how shit I've done in class and in tests. It's funny, the same thing happened with C3 last year. I hadn't a clue what was going on with C3, but on the last day, everything clicked. It was fuckin' remarkable. In the C3 tests, I could barely get a B. In my AS exams, I managed to get 93 out of 100. Not bad, eh. Hahaha.
But with this C4 paper, I'm pretty sure I won't get an A. Like, seriously dead sure. Don't ask why though.
Anyways, with C4 done and dusted, that means I get 16 PRs a week (an extra four). Personal reading, private recreation, call it what you will, I'll be having more of those.
Ah, yes.
It's been a relaxing day. No work. The exam wasn't too stressing. Only had three lessons in seven periods. Cruising here. The stress of the weekend is long gone. Come this weekend, and I get to see my pill.
I've started to draw again. I only draw when I feel totally free, and tonight is one of those nights. No worries, no nothing. Just the pleasure of seeing my emotions manifest themselves onto one blank piece of paper. It's not finished yet.
The thing is, most of what I try to do are never finished. Be it a story or a drawing. I've got so many unfinished stories saved as word documents in my laptop. Stories. Hahaha. Stories imply plot. That's a bit misleading.
I usually don't do plots. Plots are unrealistic, I think. Real life is just about random things interlocking and intertwining, and when you truly describe someone's life, it will be total nonsense. And in reality, nonsense is more realistic than the neat, well thought-out stories that present reasonable resolutions. I mean, when does life ever wrap itself neatly without any inexplicable inconsistencies?
Short stories are the best when they concentrate themselves into one moment in time, beginning without an actual beginning, just continuing where yesterday left off, and finishing without actually finishing, leaving tomorrow to continue the story.
I need my pill. I need my unnamed remedy.
Signing out
Over and out
I am done with C4 forever. I felt I've done enough in my exam this afternoon to make sure I don't need to squeeze every mark out of the Stats paper in June. It was a good paper. Well, when compared to how shit I've done in class and in tests. It's funny, the same thing happened with C3 last year. I hadn't a clue what was going on with C3, but on the last day, everything clicked. It was fuckin' remarkable. In the C3 tests, I could barely get a B. In my AS exams, I managed to get 93 out of 100. Not bad, eh. Hahaha.
But with this C4 paper, I'm pretty sure I won't get an A. Like, seriously dead sure. Don't ask why though.
Anyways, with C4 done and dusted, that means I get 16 PRs a week (an extra four). Personal reading, private recreation, call it what you will, I'll be having more of those.
Ah, yes.
It's been a relaxing day. No work. The exam wasn't too stressing. Only had three lessons in seven periods. Cruising here. The stress of the weekend is long gone. Come this weekend, and I get to see my pill.
I've started to draw again. I only draw when I feel totally free, and tonight is one of those nights. No worries, no nothing. Just the pleasure of seeing my emotions manifest themselves onto one blank piece of paper. It's not finished yet.
The thing is, most of what I try to do are never finished. Be it a story or a drawing. I've got so many unfinished stories saved as word documents in my laptop. Stories. Hahaha. Stories imply plot. That's a bit misleading.
I usually don't do plots. Plots are unrealistic, I think. Real life is just about random things interlocking and intertwining, and when you truly describe someone's life, it will be total nonsense. And in reality, nonsense is more realistic than the neat, well thought-out stories that present reasonable resolutions. I mean, when does life ever wrap itself neatly without any inexplicable inconsistencies?
Short stories are the best when they concentrate themselves into one moment in time, beginning without an actual beginning, just continuing where yesterday left off, and finishing without actually finishing, leaving tomorrow to continue the story.
I need my pill. I need my unnamed remedy.
Signing out
Over and out
written by
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Life Is Describable In Your Words
I found this letter on some site, that someone sent to spammers. I think this best describes how I feel when I get those fuckin' forwards/spams from people who forward everything they get.
Dear All
My thanks to all those spammers who have sent me emails this pastyear........
I must send my thanks to whoever sent me the one about rat s**t in the glue on envelopes because I now have to use a wet towel with every envelope that needs sealing.
Also,I now have to scrub the top of every can I open for the same reason.
I no longer have any savings because I gave it to a sick girl (Penny Brown); who is about to die in the hospital for the 1,387,258th time.
I no longer have any money at all, but that will change once I receive the $15,000 that Bill Gates/Microsoft and AOL are sending me for participating in their special e-mail research program .....
Or from the senior bank clerk in Nigeria who wants me to split $7 million with me for pretending to be a long lost relative of a customer who died abroad.
I no longer worry about my soul because I have 363,214 angels looking out for me, and St. Theresa's novena has granted my every wish.
I no longer use cancer-causing deodorants even though I smell like a water buffalo on a hot day.
Thanks to spammers, I have learned that my prayers only get answered if I forward e-mail to seven of my friends and make a wish within five minutes.
Because of your concern I no longer drink Coca-Cola because it can remove toilet stains.
I no longer can buy petrol without taking a man along to watch the car so a serial killer won't crawl in my back seat when I'm filling up.
I no longer go to shopping malls because someone will drug me with a perfume sample and rob me.
I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask me to dial a number for which I will get a phone bill with calls to Jamaica, Uganda, Singapore and Uzbekistan.
Thanks to spammers, I can't use anyone's toilet but mine because a big brown African spider is lurking under the seat to cause me instant death when it bites my bum.
And thanks to your great advice, I can't even pick up the £5.00 I found dropped in the car park because it probably was placed there by a sex molester waiting underneath my car to grab my leg.
If you don't send this e-mail to at least 144,000 people in the next 70 minutes, a large dove with diarrhoea will land on your head at 5:00pm this afternoon and the fleas from 12 camels will infest your back, causing you to grow a hairy hump.
I know this will occur because it actually happened to a friend of my next door neighbour's ex-mother-in-law's second husband's cousin's beautician.
By the way....a South American scientist after a lengthy study has discovered that people with low IQ who have infrequent sexual activity always read their e-mails with their hand on the mouse.
Don't bother taking it off now, it's too late.
Don't send me a forward e-mail like the ones described, because I will hunt you down, give up vegetarianism for a day, and make a sheperd's pie out of you.
Signing out
Over and out
Dear All
My thanks to all those spammers who have sent me emails this pastyear........
I must send my thanks to whoever sent me the one about rat s**t in the glue on envelopes because I now have to use a wet towel with every envelope that needs sealing.
Also,I now have to scrub the top of every can I open for the same reason.
I no longer have any savings because I gave it to a sick girl (Penny Brown); who is about to die in the hospital for the 1,387,258th time.
I no longer have any money at all, but that will change once I receive the $15,000 that Bill Gates/Microsoft and AOL are sending me for participating in their special e-mail research program .....
Or from the senior bank clerk in Nigeria who wants me to split $7 million with me for pretending to be a long lost relative of a customer who died abroad.
I no longer worry about my soul because I have 363,214 angels looking out for me, and St. Theresa's novena has granted my every wish.
I no longer use cancer-causing deodorants even though I smell like a water buffalo on a hot day.
Thanks to spammers, I have learned that my prayers only get answered if I forward e-mail to seven of my friends and make a wish within five minutes.
Because of your concern I no longer drink Coca-Cola because it can remove toilet stains.
I no longer can buy petrol without taking a man along to watch the car so a serial killer won't crawl in my back seat when I'm filling up.
I no longer go to shopping malls because someone will drug me with a perfume sample and rob me.
I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask me to dial a number for which I will get a phone bill with calls to Jamaica, Uganda, Singapore and Uzbekistan.
Thanks to spammers, I can't use anyone's toilet but mine because a big brown African spider is lurking under the seat to cause me instant death when it bites my bum.
And thanks to your great advice, I can't even pick up the £5.00 I found dropped in the car park because it probably was placed there by a sex molester waiting underneath my car to grab my leg.
If you don't send this e-mail to at least 144,000 people in the next 70 minutes, a large dove with diarrhoea will land on your head at 5:00pm this afternoon and the fleas from 12 camels will infest your back, causing you to grow a hairy hump.
I know this will occur because it actually happened to a friend of my next door neighbour's ex-mother-in-law's second husband's cousin's beautician.
By the way....a South American scientist after a lengthy study has discovered that people with low IQ who have infrequent sexual activity always read their e-mails with their hand on the mouse.
Don't bother taking it off now, it's too late.
Don't send me a forward e-mail like the ones described, because I will hunt you down, give up vegetarianism for a day, and make a sheperd's pie out of you.
Signing out
Over and out
written by
Monday, January 21, 2008
A Piece Of Work And I'll Be There
So... Where should I start?
Well, today was supposed to be a day of non-stop work. I should've finished my 2 essays, and done some revision for C4. But of course, this is my day. Such nonsense should and would not be tolerated. Work all day?! Are you fuckin' crazy? Let me slap your head with this towel, you puny human being.
Okay, away from the profanities and violence, you little twat. Hahaha.
I don't actually have an attitude against work. It's the fact that I don't have any kind of attitude towards work, that's the problem. Oh, yes. I hope that made sense.
To be fair, I have done some work, after I showered and done my share of of Facebooking and Multiplying (as someone said this to me earlier, this sounds so wrong). And then I got bored. So most of my shares (of my time) are on Facebook and Multiply. Ah, yes. Procastination. My dear, dear friend.
I've started my first draft for the coursework, which should be about 1300 words. Considering I've written 300 words for what is essentially just two main points, I'm pretty sure I've got much left to write, and I'll probably go over the 1300 word limit. Consider this. I've got ten points on the first page of notes, and I've got six pages of notes. Yes, that much shit to write about in so few words. If I had more time, I would've wished the exam board set us more words for this coursework.
Of course that would mean I would finish this coursework by the end of March, in the year 2010 that is.
I need my pill.
Signing out
Over and out
Well, today was supposed to be a day of non-stop work. I should've finished my 2 essays, and done some revision for C4. But of course, this is my day. Such nonsense should and would not be tolerated. Work all day?! Are you fuckin' crazy? Let me slap your head with this towel, you puny human being.
Okay, away from the profanities and violence, you little twat. Hahaha.
I don't actually have an attitude against work. It's the fact that I don't have any kind of attitude towards work, that's the problem. Oh, yes. I hope that made sense.
To be fair, I have done some work, after I showered and done my share of of Facebooking and Multiplying (as someone said this to me earlier, this sounds so wrong). And then I got bored. So most of my shares (of my time) are on Facebook and Multiply. Ah, yes. Procastination. My dear, dear friend.
I've started my first draft for the coursework, which should be about 1300 words. Considering I've written 300 words for what is essentially just two main points, I'm pretty sure I've got much left to write, and I'll probably go over the 1300 word limit. Consider this. I've got ten points on the first page of notes, and I've got six pages of notes. Yes, that much shit to write about in so few words. If I had more time, I would've wished the exam board set us more words for this coursework.
Of course that would mean I would finish this coursework by the end of March, in the year 2010 that is.
I need my pill.
Signing out
Over and out
written by
Friday, January 18, 2008
The Dreams We Have
I had a dream this morning. Yes, this morning. I slept after breakfast, and woke up at around 10am. Anyways, the dream, it was so weird. And jeez, it was depressing.
When I woke up, I felt so down. There were a few things that were upsetting me, and this dream just amplified it. It was like it gathered every little thing that upset me, and injected them with growth hormones, and ordered them to attack me like rabid dogs. I know, that doesn't really make sense. Nor it is really... Representative. No, that's not the word. I'm not sure what word it is that I'm looking for.
I'm not looking forward to a weekend full of work. I've got two essays to do, and not to mention I've got to study for my C4 paper. I failed my last two C4 tests. It's in such a state. I hate essays WHEN they have deadlines. I hate deadlines. Even the name deadline is depressing. Dead. Line. Dead. Deeeeaaaaaad.
I need to cheer up. Give me that piece of chocolate, you puny human being.
Signing out
Over and out
When I woke up, I felt so down. There were a few things that were upsetting me, and this dream just amplified it. It was like it gathered every little thing that upset me, and injected them with growth hormones, and ordered them to attack me like rabid dogs. I know, that doesn't really make sense. Nor it is really... Representative. No, that's not the word. I'm not sure what word it is that I'm looking for.
I'm not looking forward to a weekend full of work. I've got two essays to do, and not to mention I've got to study for my C4 paper. I failed my last two C4 tests. It's in such a state. I hate essays WHEN they have deadlines. I hate deadlines. Even the name deadline is depressing. Dead. Line. Dead. Deeeeaaaaaad.
I need to cheer up. Give me that piece of chocolate, you puny human being.
Signing out
Over and out
written by
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
License To Chill
Alright. First lesson. Teacher didn't turn up. So here I am in ITBs online. Not really sure what to say.
Had our first medium-sized food fight yesterday. I didn't get involved though. It was between 4-5 people, throwing bread rolls to each other during tea. Quite funny. They were running around KH, and as if in an action movie started sliding around the floors Matrix-style. There were some pretty good long distance throws from our side to the dayboys. At 50 metres it's a good job the guy actually hit the table or just barely missed the other guy. Ah, food fights.
Mayhem ensued.
Life goes on, won't it?
I need my pill.
Signing out
Over and out
Had our first medium-sized food fight yesterday. I didn't get involved though. It was between 4-5 people, throwing bread rolls to each other during tea. Quite funny. They were running around KH, and as if in an action movie started sliding around the floors Matrix-style. There were some pretty good long distance throws from our side to the dayboys. At 50 metres it's a good job the guy actually hit the table or just barely missed the other guy. Ah, food fights.
Mayhem ensued.
Life goes on, won't it?
I need my pill.
Signing out
Over and out
written by
Lief As You Would Like It
It's been a relatively good day so far, when in retrospect it could have been the worst this term. I had a C4 test earlier today, and was supposed to hand in my essay which was due yesterday. And fuck, the weather is horrible, like always. But it wasn't too bad.
Good early start to the day. My pill called me up just as I was waking up for breakfast. It was nice listening to a familiar voice so early in the morning. Breakfast was crap, the usual. C4 was alright, though I'm pretty sure I failed. But I can't be bothered, really. And no, it's not what you think. It's because I don't really need to score that high in it for me to get an A anyway. Fanning was in a good mood today, so he didn't strangle me when I told him I couldn't hand in my essay on Krapp.
Life is bearable.
Less than two weeks till coach weekend, and I can't wait.
Signing out
Over and out
I guess I wasn't wrong when I said today wasn't that bad.
I found out earlier tonight that I had been given an offer from UCL, London. Ah, yes. Just in case you didn't know, I'm going to read English in Uni. The thing is, the offer is AAA. I did expect it to be along those lines though. Haha. Ha. Ha.
Now, if I can just get this pesky English essay out of the way, and I'll be just fine. Jeez.
Signing out
Over and out
Good early start to the day. My pill called me up just as I was waking up for breakfast. It was nice listening to a familiar voice so early in the morning. Breakfast was crap, the usual. C4 was alright, though I'm pretty sure I failed. But I can't be bothered, really. And no, it's not what you think. It's because I don't really need to score that high in it for me to get an A anyway. Fanning was in a good mood today, so he didn't strangle me when I told him I couldn't hand in my essay on Krapp.
Life is bearable.
Less than two weeks till coach weekend, and I can't wait.
Signing out
Over and out
I guess I wasn't wrong when I said today wasn't that bad.
I found out earlier tonight that I had been given an offer from UCL, London. Ah, yes. Just in case you didn't know, I'm going to read English in Uni. The thing is, the offer is AAA. I did expect it to be along those lines though. Haha. Ha. Ha.
Now, if I can just get this pesky English essay out of the way, and I'll be just fine. Jeez.
Signing out
Over and out
written by
Monday, January 14, 2008
The Idea Of Your Will
It's annoying that my phone is being barred from making outgoing calls or sending texts. Stupid overused phone bill. I think I will still be barred until March or April. I can't afford to pay it right now. Oh, well. Stupid me. Haha. Ho. So let that be a warning. If you want to contact me, call me. Don't text me. I won't (read: can't) reply. You have been informed. Text me and I'll send you a pipe bomb. With love. Just text me your address too.
I found myself being hungry yesterday during brunch, so I scooped a mountain of hash browns onto my plate, and when I got to the table I realised how much food there was on my plate. I thought to myself (out loud), "I'm not gonna finish that." But I did. I didn't know why I needed to tell that. Oh, and Adry, Kam, Mubin and Chiao was there too, telling me how much food I had.
Any more random happenings?
Uh, oh. Urm... Nothing, really. Nothing that I wanna tell to you puny human beings (note the plural, you). Haha. Ha. Ho.
Anyways, it's Kam's birthday. Happy 19th birthday, you human being. You still owe us a movie. Muahahaha. It was also the twins' birthday yesterday. Fiiyah and Fiizah, happy birthday :)
Updates on Venice photos and Winter photos. More added :)
Signing out
Over and out
I found myself being hungry yesterday during brunch, so I scooped a mountain of hash browns onto my plate, and when I got to the table I realised how much food there was on my plate. I thought to myself (out loud), "I'm not gonna finish that." But I did. I didn't know why I needed to tell that. Oh, and Adry, Kam, Mubin and Chiao was there too, telling me how much food I had.
Any more random happenings?
Uh, oh. Urm... Nothing, really. Nothing that I wanna tell to you puny human beings (note the plural, you). Haha. Ha. Ho.
Anyways, it's Kam's birthday. Happy 19th birthday, you human being. You still owe us a movie. Muahahaha. It was also the twins' birthday yesterday. Fiiyah and Fiizah, happy birthday :)
Updates on Venice photos and Winter photos. More added :)
Signing out
Over and out
written by
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Calling The Shots
My neck hurts. I think I didn't sleep right. Well,, it's not exactly painful, just irritating. Immensely irritating. I feel like just cutting my own head off, stamping on it, then kicking it as far as I can. Then I'd go and get it again, put it in a blender, and serve the remains to our housemaster's dog, Stanley. Ah, yes. We all know that pain.
I've just installed Football Manager 2008, and knowing myself, this could easily result in a few sleepless nights as I once again attempt to win the World Cup with Brunei. Yes, the hope. Yes, the sheer impossibility of the task. But then with computers, you can cheat your way. Not that I would condone cheating. Haha. Ha. Ho.
I wrote a play last night, and it's in my previous post. Read it, tell me what you think about it. It's really, really short. Just one short scene.
There is you then.
I know you
I know us
The stairs saw us
But nothing else
The hissing of the rain heard nothing
As we sat there for hours
And the distant crowd unaware
Carries on blissfully
And we are blissful too
As it seems.
Signing out
Over and out
I've just installed Football Manager 2008, and knowing myself, this could easily result in a few sleepless nights as I once again attempt to win the World Cup with Brunei. Yes, the hope. Yes, the sheer impossibility of the task. But then with computers, you can cheat your way. Not that I would condone cheating. Haha. Ha. Ho.
I wrote a play last night, and it's in my previous post. Read it, tell me what you think about it. It's really, really short. Just one short scene.
There is you then.
I know you
I know us
The stairs saw us
But nothing else
The hissing of the rain heard nothing
As we sat there for hours
And the distant crowd unaware
Carries on blissfully
And we are blissful too
As it seems.
Signing out
Over and out
written by
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Taking My Pill With Me
A lot of things happened over the course of the New Year's. Most notably the change in my relationship status. I guess people who has been around me would know who I mean, and right now she's my own little sleeping pill that helps me to sleep at night.
New Year's was the best one I had in years. Probably even ever. She came just in time for the night, and the whole night was just... Amazing. After three weeks of not seeing her, a bit of New Year's romance was the perfect antidote. Now I have to wait another three weeks before I get to see her again. Hahaha. Ha.
Like most people, I've got my AS Chemistry retakes this Thursday, and guess how much revision I did over the winter for it. Non. Not a zip. Zilch. Zero. Nada. Nay. I'm fuckin' screwed. For C4 I'm slowly getting into the swing of things, and I'll be done with Maths (except Stats, which is a cruise) by exeat.
School has been okay. Lessons has been mind-numbingly boring, but the company's been great. Except my neighbour, who keeps complaining about the noise levels in my room. It's been a year and a half, and so far he's the only one who has seriusly complained about it. I'm not at all happy. If he's gonna be in this corridor, he might as well learn to stand the music levels, because I'm not the only one with loud speakers. And he's not gonna be happy with the amount of banter late at night.
So, okay, I'm being a teeny bit selfish here. I know that.
But I'm not gonna change my carefully-scheduled(-ish) routine of listening to loud music from Top Schools all the way to midnight just because of him. And only till midnight. My other neighbours play music sometimes till 2am.
Winter timetable sucks.
Signing out
Over and out
New Year's was the best one I had in years. Probably even ever. She came just in time for the night, and the whole night was just... Amazing. After three weeks of not seeing her, a bit of New Year's romance was the perfect antidote. Now I have to wait another three weeks before I get to see her again. Hahaha. Ha.
Like most people, I've got my AS Chemistry retakes this Thursday, and guess how much revision I did over the winter for it. Non. Not a zip. Zilch. Zero. Nada. Nay. I'm fuckin' screwed. For C4 I'm slowly getting into the swing of things, and I'll be done with Maths (except Stats, which is a cruise) by exeat.
School has been okay. Lessons has been mind-numbingly boring, but the company's been great. Except my neighbour, who keeps complaining about the noise levels in my room. It's been a year and a half, and so far he's the only one who has seriusly complained about it. I'm not at all happy. If he's gonna be in this corridor, he might as well learn to stand the music levels, because I'm not the only one with loud speakers. And he's not gonna be happy with the amount of banter late at night.
So, okay, I'm being a teeny bit selfish here. I know that.
But I'm not gonna change my carefully-scheduled(-ish) routine of listening to loud music from Top Schools all the way to midnight just because of him. And only till midnight. My other neighbours play music sometimes till 2am.
Winter timetable sucks.
Signing out
Over and out
written by
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