Tension is in the air, or more specifically, in the house.
Remember a few weeks ago I complained about my neighbour who couldn't stand my loud music? Well, things just went up to another level.
Apparently last night he went crazy, shouting and swearing at another guy, Will, in front of our housemaster. He's lost it, I think. He has cracked under the pressure.
Lauitt's ears must have been pretty fucking sensitive to even hear Will on the phone. Will was on his phone, under his duvet, under his pillow, as quiet as possible. Fuck knows how Lauitt heard him, so he went to Will's room, and warned him that if he didn't stop talking on the phone, he'd call the housemaster.
Okay, let's get this clear. Lauitt is a fucking snitch. He told Vicars (housemaster) on me when I was on the phone at 12.30, and when my music was 'too loud.' Last year someone had sex in his room (hahahahahahahahahahaha) during the house dance, and he told Vicars about it.
Anyways, here's how it went on. Will ignored him, and said "Go on, tell him." Lauitt being a stubborn bastard, went to tell Vicars.
Funnily enough, Will had finished his phone conversation and was in bed when Vicars and Lauitt came in to his room. So Lauitt just lost it. Apparently he shouted "Stop FUCKING lying to me, Lan!" (Lan is Will's second name). Vicars had to tell Lauitt to leave Will's room. It's quite funny, actually, when you think about it.
He went absolutely mental (I'm not really sure that's PC, haha) and stormed out of the room. Apparently, me being only a room away, was the only one in the corridor who did not hear anything. Clive said Lauitt's eyes were mental. "I told him not to talk after 11, but he still persists!" or something like that was what Lauitt said.
He's an odd fellow, Lauitt.
I think he's gonna switch rooms with someone from the D-wing. If he's not, he's in for a very torturous time. This corridor is a pretty lively one. He's not gonna last long before he cracks again.
Signing out
Over and out
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