Okay. This is just a pet peeve of mine, but it's been going on for quite a while. I seriously don't like forwarded e-mails. I hate them to the core of my soul. If they were physical letters rather than zeroes and ones, I would collect them all in a big bucket, pour gasoline into the bucket, and burn the whole thing. And I'm thinking every single type of forwarded e-mails.
Every single kind. I can't think of a single forwarded e-mail that I was not angered by.
Those cute, friendship-is-forever forwards. I hate them. I like friendship. It's not too bad. But if you forward me an e-mail saying that I'm one of your closest friends, so please forward it to 30 people at least, hoping one goes back to you, fuck you. I don't need to prove my friendship over cliched e-mails and generic words. If you're thinking I'll go goo goo over that, then you're very simply just damn naive. Nothing personal.
Those preaching forwards. I despise them. I hate preachers who try and force their morals into you, trying to instil fear so that you will follow what they say senselessly. I don't need your morals. I don't need your preaching. I've got my own developed sense of morality which I don't force into other people's throat. Though I did go through a phase a year and a half back where I basically hated all carnivores. Now do I realise how hypocritical that was for someone who hates a preacher. So Papa don't preach, please.
Those pity forwards. Please forward this to as many people as you can. Each person you send to gives 30p to a sick baby in Africa. It's the most sickly kind of emotional blackmail, and what's worse is that it's not even real. They won't have any way of finding out how many times the e-mail is forwarded. It's as simple as that. It's the same as those Microsoft scams.
Ironically, these past few months I've been getting forwarded e-mails about E-numbers and non-halal stuff. It's funny because I'm vegetarian, so really, it's as easy looking for the label 'suitable for vegetarians/vegans.'
I hate forwarded e-mails. If it doesn't involve me directly, like an e-mail forwarded from a friend with details of say, a reunion, then do not even consider forwarding me one of your 7,243 different forwards.
Signing out
Over and out
Now playing: Vampire Weekend - Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa
via FoxyTunes
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