The line-up for Southsea Fest is nothing short of amazing. We've got Tubelord, Blakfish, James Yuill, Tellison, Peggy Sue, Brontide, Sam Isaac, Official Secrets Act, The Joy Formidable, This Town Needs Guns, And So I Watch You From Afar and so many more. In fact, here's a conveniently placed poster that you can click on to enlarge:

The sad thing is, there was no way we could've made it to everyone's shows. The Joy Formidable, Tubelord and James Yuill all performed at the same time, they were headlining! So what to do.
Here's a list of who we did see (not in chronological order):

We also met up with James Yuill after his show to apologise because we didn't make it to his. It's quite nice of him to remember us little people:

Wait, what? Where did he remember us from? Well, from here.

It's a good thing we caught him performing to launch the Relentless Shots drinks, which, to be quite honest, aren't the best energy drinks in the world. After the show we had a chat with him to say we might see him in Southsea Fest, and as future events played out, we actually didn't.
James Yuill - She Said In Jest
We also found a new friend there, who we hung out with for the rest of the night, and she brought us to Rough Trade East. She's also going to the Foals show in London with us. Good times.
Signing out
Over and out