Sunday, October 2, 2011

Musical Mathematics //EP Review// Living Commontree - ‘A Stone’s Throw Away From A Rock Fight’

In my desire to simplify everything, I have concluded that all post-rock bands are members of one or two schools of thought: the slow-burners, or the head-bangers. In the slow-burners camp, you’ve got the likes of Explosions In The Sky, Jeniferever and 65daysofstatic, and in the headbangers side, you’ve got …And So I Watch You From Afar and Talons. Whether you agree with this or not is irrelevant to the point I’m about to make: Living Commontree are more ASIYFA than Explosions In The Sky. Note: I should probably stop using these two bands as two opposite ends of the post-rock spectrum.

But there’s obviously more to it than that. Living Commontree’s ‘A Stone’s Throw Away From A Rock Fight’ is much like Adebisi Shank without all the fancy effects. They’ve got the punchiness, pace, playfulness and fun that’s everpresent in the Irish trio’s armada of material, and yes, this Mancunian outfit runs a pretty tight ship too. With only three songs on the EP, it’ll be quite a stretch to compare their quality to the likes of Adebisi Shank and Don Caballero, another influence of theirs.

Read the rest of the review, listen to the EP and get the link to download it from Musical Mathematics.

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