Monday, July 14, 2008

Wait For The Call

I'm sure you all miss me, you sad sods.

You miss me, I miss you too. I'm aware that my absence has caused irreparable damage to your blogging routine. I am deeply sorry and regret that this lack of updates will continue.


You sad sods.

I've been back here for a week now. And on this first week I've been out for quite a bit. First (technically second) day was lunch at Excapade, then Fee's place, then dinner at Capers. Then Friday, beach with Pill's family (which was an interesting experience to say the least. Haha). Then Swensens with Pill (which was cut short, leaving a half eaten pizza). Then helping Fee out with her booth (which took about 20 hours of my precious time. Kidding, Fee).

Then waiting for Pill to get back from Vietnam.

Tomorrow, I think.

20 hours of looking at escalators in the Mall makes me want to point out a few things:

Couples who wear matching patterned t-shirts look like dorks. Even worse, complementary-phrase t-shirts. Example, one shirt says 'We each', the other 'Love other'. Imagine what the two says when standing next to each other.

Hardcore-looking black-clad teenagers with spikes and spikey hair look cute when playing tag all over the Mall.

Ten-year-olds look stupid with eyeliner and look 'eager' with tube tops and short skirts.

Over-elaborate and over-the-top is not a look to be proud about in Brunei. England, yes. The Mall, a big fuck-ass no.

A hundred-percent DVD piracy coverage is impressive. No one can beat us Bruneians when it comes to giving a middle finger to copyright.

Signing out

Over and out

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