Thursday, July 3, 2008

Loot & Conundrums

So Brunei Hall is fucking empty right now. It's feels almost as if it's deserted.

But hey, even with the few left here to wait for their flights home, Brunei Hall is still dear old Brunei Hall. Here's some things that never change:


Some people never clean up after they used the kitchen. It's irritating as hell when I have to scrub for five minutes just to use a pan for two. And then it's fucking irritating when the BH permanent residents blame it on us, the A-Level transit students. I remember last year someone posted a note on the fridge saying that people should clean their own mess in the kitchen, and I quote, 'especially the A-Level students.'

Ex-fucking-cuse me?

Most of the time, the A-Level students I know wash up, and they wash up properly. In fact, for most of us, we're used to it. No, being in a boarding school doesn't mean all our plates are washed for us.

And damn it, people keep stealing other people's food in the fridge. It's bloody annoying. Just now I found that someone stole 3 of my Quorn sausages. I haven't even fucking opened the box yet. In the past people have drank my soya milk, ate my cheese and stole my sausages. Cheap bastards. Even when I'm fucking starving, I've fought off the temptation of stealing other people's food. Even naming your stuff doesn't eliminate the risk of it being stolen.


The laundry room is a battleground. There's only a few who do this, I think, because this happens less than in the kitchen. But some people have moved my laundry out from the tumble dryer while they were still drenching wet, stole washing powder and just throw stuff anywhere just so they can use the machine.


But hey, there's a few good stuff. Like the two massive HD televisions. I mean, they're bloody huge.

And oh, it's cheap, obviously. And it's in Central London.

Signing out

Over and out

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