Thursday, December 4, 2008

Margaret Thatcher Is My Homie

Blog-hopping is one of those last resort activities I do when I really am just staring blankly into my screen wondering whether the screen will ever talk back and complain about the amount of crumbs that have managed to get into the keyboard.

One thing I've really noticed is how people say "oh if you don't like what I have to say just leave" on a lot of blogs. And most of them have this one common trait: they never really have anything interesting to say. I mean, there I was getting excited that someone would make me grab my thinking hat (which is basically just a pair of goggles I "borrowed" from the Chemistry lab), then I find myself bored to death with picture tags and dull accounts of your day-to-day life.

It's not so much I don't like what you have to say. It's really you boring me to death with your story of how you went to the Mall to watch 'Susuk' or something like that.

Don't tempt me with your promise of thought-provocation, and then betray that promise with a picture of you with your boyfriend at Chill having fake Pina Colada on every single post.

I find most of the people who are actually opinionated (and have interesting things to say) don't exclaim in bold, colourful letters, "I'm fucking opinionated. Disagree with me and die!!!!"

I guess being opinionated is like being a woman. If you have to convince people you are, then you aren't. (Note: I stole this quote from somewhere and changed one word to opinionated. I think it might've been Margaret Thatcher, ironically. Something about being powerful)

They say curves are sexy. So I agree. Some sexiness approaching.

don't look at me like that, you

I just wanna hug you and your curves

What an impressive pair you have

So there it is. Don't dirty your screen.

Signing out

Over and out

Now playing: Beck - Bottle of Blues
via FoxyTunes

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