Adi Rani [Best Pop Category] [Best Pop Vocalist]
Juju [Best Pop Category] [Smoothest R&B Act]
Feez Madea [Best Pop Category] [Best Pop Group]
Magabu & The White Shoes [Best Pop Group]
Sam Siren (Karacoma) [Best Female Vocalist Overall] [Best Rock Vocalist]
Karacoma [Best Rock Category] [Best Rock Group] [Best Guitar “Goreng” Riff]
I Mean The Snakes [Best Rock Group]
MicBandits [Best Hip-Hop Song] [Best Hip-Hop Group] [Most Mind-Blowing Music Video]
MNC [Best Hip-Hop Group]
NJ [Smoothest R&B Act]
D'Hask [Most Electrifying-Exciting-Exhilarating LIVE Act]
VIMA 2010 will be on 17th January 2010 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Unfortunately I won't be there, since, yeah, I have this university thing still going on.
Blakfish posted a video a few hours ago with a simple description, "Blakfish christmas single." I have no idea yet if they will indeed release it for Christmas. It's ace though. Check it out.
Blakfish - Missing You (The True Meaning Of Christmas)
Which reminds me, I managed to catch them live this Monday night at The Cluny 2, Newcastle. It was pretty awesome even though they had the tamest crowd I've ever been in in a Blakfish show. Blakfish is currently at the end of a Triple-Threat Tour with Outcry Collective and Brooklyn queercore nutheads Gay For Johnny Depp, and when I say nutheads, I mean they are fucking mental. When the frontman for Outcry Collective warned us about them, even ominously saying "may God help you," it might've been wise to heed his warning. But hey, the energy just completely caught us off guard.
I also went to another show two days before that, and it was a lot more civilised. So civilised in fact, that the main band, Arthur Rigby & The Baskervylles had a 'backing' of a 60-piece orchestra provided by The University of York. Needless to say it was absolutely magnificient.

Arthur Rigby & The Baskervylles with The University of York Orchestra
The Mariner's Children played in the first half, and the acoustics of the concert hall built for orchestra simply just made their music more hauntingly beautiful than it already is. Songs like 'Back I Beat The Waves,' 'Start Again' and 'My Dear' become almost redefined in this new surrounding.
And some short bites:
Diplo will be producing Rolo Tomassi's new album. Lost From Atlas finally got their album, but hasn't launched it, yet. Vampire Weekend's new single, Cousins, deemed to be the closest thing to punk they've come up with. Two Door Cinema Club announces Irish tour dates. Pulled Apart By Horses are hosting a Christmas party in Leeds this weekend with bands like Dead Confederate and Chickenhawk. Hassle Records (Tubelord, Blakfish, Rolo Tomassi, Alexisonfire) are having a 'class of 2009' sale on their website.
Signing out
Over and out
Good mind, good find.