Wait. Tubelove sounds so wrong. Scratch that. Love of the tube. No. Still wrong.

Here's the interview. Introducing:
M: So, any chance of any explanation at all where the name Tubelord comes from? I speculate that it 's got to do with being the King of the London Underground. Close? No?
J: The name for us, is related to Dave's cousins in Scandinavia. To yourself the name means something entirely different I'm sure.
M: After Sean left, how did you go around looking for a bassist? How and why did you end up with Damien? And where did he get that shiny red cardigan? Because I want one.
J: We went around thinking about looking for a bassist, knowing full well that one would appear.
D: I think it was two weeks before tour was due to begin that he messaged us about joining. We really had no choice.
J: He stole the shiny red cardigan from my bag whilst I was stealing the silver braces from his rucksack. During the performance we both realized the robbery that had ensued and accused each other of being the thief. Neither of us were found guilty.
M: What made you sign for Hassle Records? How did working with BSM (Big Scary Monsters Records) feel like?
J: An intense game of bowling led us to put pen to paper, any team of peoples who can strike down ten pins as hard as they can is worth being locked in with right?
D: Working with BSM felt nice, like part of a disjointed family, with bastard children all over the place. It does mean that we have many places to crash all over the UK now.
M: How did it feel to finally get your first album out? And how do you feel about the album itself? Personally I love it. Class.
J: The day of release was a peculiar feeling, like time-travelling yet without the vortexes and paradoxes to overcome. I think next time around we need to add group animal choirs. Squirrels or badgers?
M: Why do you not publish the lyrics to your songs? A lot of Tubelord fans claim they just make up lyrics when they sing along. How do you feel about that?
J: Every action is pure economy. I was writing the lyrics for the album sleeve with white pen. So much ink runs from pen to paper that the pen itself can't provide for my needs. Cycle to shop to buy new pen. Card transaction fails due to being in band and a lack of sufficient income (yet fulfilled pleasures of writing music for people to digg). Deadline is due. Deadline is missed. Morale of the story? There is never enough ink in my pens when I need there to be.
M: 'Our First American Friends'. Any plans for a States side tour?
J: Yes, but it's purely imaginary. In my head we've already played a bar in Alaska, transversed the dock of a bay with our musix in San Fransisco whilst perusing record shops in New York prior to the concert itself. We're everywhere at once and so are you.
M: What are the qualities of a bear that would attract you if you're a moose?
J: The constant influx of porridge on the table.
M: What was the best gig you performed at? The best gig you've been to as a part of the audience?
J: Southsea Festival had such a thoroughly consistent line-up throughout the whole day and across the various stages/venues. Stag and Dagger this year was absolutely nuts, look at the line-up again...look at it. Offset festival was so well pieced together, all in all the most serene juxtaposition of musical entertainments I've had the pleasure of being a part of.
D: The last night of tour in Tunbridge Wells was fantastic, the best way to end a tour, on an utter high. One of the most memorable shows for me this year was Mumford&Sons album launch. An actual hoedown. Rad.
M: Which band did you enjoy touring with the most?
J: With every tour the elemental matter of circumstance varies, and thus with every band we've performed and travelled alongside, new personalities and characters are processed and with that in mind, large amounts of encompassing knowledge and understanding is absorbed into our spongey, grey boxes. Yet 2010 will see exciting plans materialized for touring with our Falmouth friends, all aboard the Lords Ship!
M: You describe your music as 'pop songs for rock kids.' Would the reverse (rock song for pop kids) still work, you think?
J: The reverse always works, just never tell the people in charge!
D: I think we can all think of quite a few notable examples of where the reverse works, for considerable financial gain - Foo Fighters, Kings of Leon etc. Please don't think I've got anything agains those bands, I am in constant awe of their songwriting capabilities.
M: What's the best memory you have of being on tour? What's the worst?
J: The most enjoyable memory I can extract is one specific moment yet it's strung to many others and I can't begin tugging to reveal the pieces otherwise I'll be typing all day. However, the worst memory is the realization of an impending day off teetering over the horizon.
D: There are too many to think of right now, as Jo said, so I will instead turn to my peers for a quote: "We had a day off so we drove to Alton Towers. Me and Josh couldn't afford the entrance fee, so we spent the day in the car park, with a couple grams of Ketamine trying to climb a 3 foot high embankment"
M: What's your favourite poem and your favourite poet?
J: My current favourite poem is Meatloaf by the American poet Derrick C Brown (http://www.brownpoetry.com/)
M: What's the meaning of life?
J: To accept death as the beginning.
M: Describe Tubelord in five words
J: Est-ce que c'est très grave?
*End of Interview*
Tubelord's debut album 'Our First American Friends' is out through Hassle Records. You can buy it here.
Tubelord's first single, 'Propeller' is out on 7-inch and comes in 500 unique designs, all done by a collection of artists. You can buy it here.
Signing out
Over and out
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