Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Infatuated With The Sweetest Pill

I just got back from James Higham's art exhibiton opening, in the Art School. Compared to Geo, James has a more realistic style, much less abstract, and admittedly a better painter, but Geo is much more entertaining, with bolder ideas, and more creativity. Abstract really suits him. But who am I to comment though. I'm not the most artistic person in the world. Haha. Oh, and congratulations goes to Geo for getting into Wimbledon Arts.

Anyways, today has been tiring. Although I only had 3 lessons out of 7, I had to use up my triple PR and breaktime to finish my English notes.

My pill. Colon D. She knows what I'm talking about. Haha.

I've got no work to do, till.. No. I actually don't right now. All the set work has been done and handed in. What a gem.

Signing out

Over and out

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