I thought it's somewhat apt that Rise Against's new video 'Hero Of War' comes out amidst all the controversy about Obama being unwilling to prosecute American soldiers who employed torture techniques on prisoners.
Rise Against - Hero Of War
Torture is wrong, no matter how you put it. It's quite as simple as that, and not any amount of information can justify the atrocities committed to these people. But the video shows the other part of the equation, the soldiers. War is a horrible thing, and can lead to good people being pushed into horrible acts. We often hear how soldiers' family are always surprised about their sons and daughters being associated with torture, because they don't believe that their sons and daughters are these kinds of people. The truth is, they aren't. War lead them to it.

Rise Against have been very influential in my life over the past few years. Their video 'Ready To Fall' provided me the final push I needed to really become serious about being a vegetarian. Here's the uncut version.
Rise Against - Ready To Fall

There's only a handful of bands who I can say to truly have changed my life. Here's one of them.
Signing out
Over and out
Now playing: Rise Against - Audience Of One
via FoxyTunes
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